I believe that one of the most significant factors in us accomplishing things and getting things done in our lives is motivation or energy. I think that most of us can make time for the things we want to do. However, a more significant obstacle than time is energy or motivation.
Cross-Cultural Preaching
I just recently began preaching in another language and culture and I would like to share some things that I am learning through this process and some differences in preaching cross-culturally.
Over 500 Missionary Quotes
Here is a list of over 500 quotes from great missionaries of the past. I hope they will be a help and encouragement to you!
Jim Elliot – Giving All for Jesus
Jim Elliot lived what he wrote in one of his journals several years before. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Jim Elliot – A Call to Go
So what if the well-fed churches in the homeland need stirring? They have the Scriptures, Moses, and the Prophets, and a whole lot more. Their condemnation is written on their bank books and in the dust on their Bible covers."
Jim Elliot – The Degree of A.U.G.
Jim was not there to get a piece of paper. But as he said in his own words, he wanted the degree of A.U.G. or Approved Unto God
Jim Elliot – Early Life
One of my heroes is a man by the name of Jim Elliot. He was a missionary to the country of Ecuador that gave his life attempting to take the Gospel to an unreached tribe.
Best Missions Books for Missionaries
I want to share some of the best books on missions for each stage of the journey. I did not include biographies in this list and only have books that deal with missionary strategy and methods as well as culture shock and other things that missionaries will deal with on the mission field.

Kason Bloom
Missionary to Ecuador
Hi to everyone. My name is Kason!
Hello, my name is Kason Bloom. I am a missionary to Ecuador, husband to my wonderful wife Bethany, and the proud father of my son Jaxon. On this blog, I would like to share with you some of the things that I am learning as a missionary, father, and Christian.